Idea for Invention & Product Development Services Company New York

prototype idea new product designing development engineering services NYC

prototype idea (new product designing development engineering services) NYC

If you have a great idea for a new product innovation or a totally new invention, don't waste your idea like what many inventors did.  Turning your idea into reality will require many essential steps with some needed to be done in incremental ones.  You may always do everything on your own but, missing to do any of the essential necessities for like many failed inventions, may lead to your idea's loss as well.
Hiring a genuine professional new product development (NPD) and patent company like us here in New York, can ensure your idea realistically becomes an end product ready for sale in the market.  We will meticulously help you protect your idea, build your first prototype, mass produce and even market it for you if you wish.  It is very important you get us to validate your idea as well to find out if it's worth spending money and time to develop it at all.

Validating your idea before building your idea's prototype is necessary for it is already expensive to start designing your idea's virtual prototype.  We will validate your idea's uniqueness with the USPTO for remember, just because you haven't heard of it, don't mean it doesn't exist at all.  It is illegal to infringe on someone else's patent and will definitely give you a headache of a patent lawsuit.  Part of validating your idea will be to also make sure you will have a market for your end product by performing a thorough feasibility study.  You will also need to determine your mass production costs to know if your end product can be priced competitively in the market or better if can be lower.

  best affordable idea new product prototype design development engineering services New York
After you are 100% satisfied with your idea's validation process, building your prototype is your next plausible step enumerated in the following: 

1. Draw or sketch your idea The USPTO will definitely require proof of your idea's ownership and keeping your every original sketches or drawings by hand, are very handy and more credible than digital images should you be asked for said proof.  You do not really need to waste time in perfect your drawing's design and you may give it to us as it is even on rough paper and we can create a virtual prototype for you. 

2. Develop a Virtual Prototype Our product design will create a 3D rendering image that will allow our new product designers to visualize your idea quickly finalize your idea's physical form prior to rapid prototyping. 

3. Rapid Prototyping your idea From a virtual prototype, our New Product Developers/Engineers will rapid prototype your idea's scale model, using cheaper materials allowing cost effective development of your idea.  Design and functionality flaws can be easily detected and changes can be cheaply and easily applied to the prototype allowing for faster completion and finalization of your idea's end product. 

4. Locate a Manufacturer For faster Return of Investment (ROI) and more profits, you will need to find a manufacturer that can mass produce your end product at the lowest possible costs to make your idea's retail price, competitive or better lower in the market.   

Based in and established in Long Island-New York since in the early 1990's, our team has decades of combined 100% customer satisfaction experience in bringing bright and brilliant idea's of inventors into reality.  Let us help bring your idea realistically into the market, Contact Us now!

  highly recommended quality trusted prototyping new product idea invention innovation engineering comnpany NYC