Idea for Invention & Product Development Services Company New York

best New York Prototype engineering company (idea NPD prototyping services)

best New York Prototype engineering company (idea NPD prototyping services)  
Prior to anything else, specially before you spend more on developing your prototype, you must seriously protect your idea and validate it as well.  Your idea's validation, just like protecting your idea are necessary steps for you to not waste it and know for sure you can legally own and make profit from it.  Protecting your idea starts from your not telling anyone unnecessarily about it for it can be easily stolen from you and get beaten into registering its ownership with the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office).  You must also from the very start already kept and collected all documentations of what you have, on how you came up with your idea, to prove your ownership if needed by the USPTO in the future.  Remember, handwritten notes will always bear more weight than computer generated evidences.
Should you hire us, we will initiate to get your idea's provisional patent registered. This step will give us ample protection for your idea and time to validate your idea and design and develop your first prototype.  Validating your idea involves necessary incremental steps enumerated below:
1. Perform a Patent Research with the USPTO:   It is illegal to infringe on someone else's existing patent it is crucial to fully determine your idea is indeed unique and do not also even have similarities.  Remember, just because you have not heard of it, it doesn't mean it don't exist.
  best affordable New York new product Prototyping engineering company for new idea services
2. Conduct a Product feasibility study of your idea's market and profitability:  It will be senseless to fully develop your idea, have it sold in the market and realize you no one wants to buy it.  To avoid such scenario, you must before committing to turning it into reality, conduct a thorough feasibility study with the purpose of establishing if you have a market and can make a profit from it.  This study which is an ongoing process throughout your idea's prototype development, will also assist us your new product development  (NPD) partner, to rigidly test your product with your market and develop it as per your market demands.

3. How much total will it Cost to turn your idea into reality?  - It is true that many ideas are wasted and lost daily and most common reason of all is running short on fund on new product design and development.  If your NPD partner can honestly provide you and estimate of how much it will cost to turn your idea into reality, you will be able to properly plan ahead and even decide to look for an investor to help in achieving your idea's end product.

You should only start heavily investing money and time into your idea's prototype development after you have dutifully validated your idea and determined it is unique and properly taken steps to protect your intellectual property.  With our more than 3 decades of successful idea into new product prototype development engineering and design experience, you can be assured we can realistically and cost effectively turn your idea into reality.  Contact Us now!

    top New York Prototype engineering firm idea into new product service firm NYC