Idea for Invention & Product Development Services Company New York

wanted industrial prototype engineering (new idea) company

wanted industrial prototype engineering (new idea) company  
If you are looking for the best New Product Development (NPD) engineering firm here in New York-United States, for your company's  Research and Development (R&D) requirements for a revolutionary product innovation or you personally have thought of a great invention idea that you truly believe is a game changer, contact us.  We will immediately sign a full None-Disclosure Agreement with you  which, you should insist any professional NPD company that you approach, to sign with you as well.  You must always be careful to protect your intellectual property for  your idea. can easily be stolen from you.  Should you trust and hire us, we will prioritize to get your Provisional Patent Application (PPA) from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for your idea's legal protection, so it can't be easily copied
Valid for twelve months, your IDEA's PPA will give you enough time to validate your idea and develop your idea's first prototype however, your PPA will not mature to a Patent so you must still file your NON Provisional Patent Application to get your idea patented and have all the intellectual property protection and benefits you will need.  Once you have validated your idea, make sure you do it before working on your prototype and heavily spending so much for if you hadn't, you may end up with a successful end product that it worthless.  Validating your idea will wisely guide you on rationally deciding whether to fully develop your idea into reality or not.  Your idea's validation will include performing a thorough USPTO Patent Research to 100% determine your idea is really unique for if you infringe on somebody's valid Patent, it could cost you a very lengthy and expensive Patent Lawsuit.

  New York industrial prototype engineering company PPA idea services
Another step you'd take when you validate your idea is to test your market and find out people's or your product's target customers' reception of your prototype which is, often done with an extensive feasibility study.  The knowledge you derive from this step or study is, you'd know you will indeed have a market to sell too and will be aware of your end product's market demand.  Your individual random customer's actual tests performed "without limits" on your prototypes will also be of great use to guiding your new product industrial designers and engineers in perfecting your final industrial prototype.

Don't waste you brilliant ideas!  If you hire us although we are based in Long Island-New York, wherever you are located in the USofA, because of modern communications we can still effectively work with you successfully as if you are next door to us.  We have over 30 decades of successful industrial prototyping and new idea's patenting experience so if you engage our professional expert industrial engineering services, your risks of failure, wasting money and unnecessary time will greatly be lessened.  There will be no need for you to guess every next step and with our help, we can surely cost effectively and realistically Turn Your Idea into Reality, Contact Us!

  affordable new idea industrial prototyping engineers NYC NPD company