Idea for Invention & Product Development Services Company New York

Invention idea engineering services (best company) New York

Invention idea engineering services (best company) New York  
Here in Long Island, New York we offer one of the most trusted, reliable and affordable idea into prototype industrial engineering services for new invention and product innovations.  No project or task is too small or large for us and we are always willing to work within our client's time and budget.  If you have an idea and do not know what to do next, don't waste it.   Sadly many great inventions are wasted daily because of wrong decisions and mistakes that are often to disastrous or expensive to recover from.  If you are already a first time inventor definitely now with your second invention idea, you'd already be wiser enough to have finally realized that hiring the expert services of an idea into new product engineering or patent firms like us here in NYC, is none negotiable but a definite must

You would have realized and experienced the negative impact of making the wrong decisions in every next step and how expensive they could be and a waste of time.  Hiring our professional new product design and development services, we offer you over 3 decades of successful idea into end product history with 100% customer satisfaction.  No matter where you are in the United States, just like our many still existing customers since we started decades ago, we can efficiently work with you as well just as if you are next door to us.
Hiring us now, we'd immediately sign a full none disclosure agreement with you.  We'd next legally help protect your Intellectual Property (IP)  by filing your Provisional Patent Application with the USPTO ( United States Patent and Trademark Office) as soon as possible.  This PPA however, is only valid for a year and will not mature into a patent for your IP.  You still need to file a Non Provisional Patent Application or Regular Patent Application (RPA) for absolute legal protection of your Intellectual Property.  The PPA is cheaper to file and requires less formalities compared to a RPA and once registered, will establish your idea's earlier filing date.  Within your PPA's 12 months validity, you may than wisely and conveniently use this time to validate your idea and start working on your idea's prototype.
  New York industrial prototyping engineering services company PPA help
There are so many processes and many needed to be done in incremental necessary steps and guessing every next step can prove to costly and waste a lot of your time in the long run.  Let us offer you our over 30 years of idea into new product engineering expertise to turn your idea into a future proofed highly profitable end product.  Hire Us!

have an idea need help engineering prototype services company New York