Idea for Invention & Product Development Services Company New York

Ideas engineering new product invention development NY firm

Ideas engineering new product invention development NY firm  

When you choose to work with us for your new invention or product idea, we prioritize signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) as the initial step towards transforming your idea into realityValidating your idea is crucial before investing further in its development.  We ensure your legal right to sell the product and assess its market potential for profitability.  Additionally, it's vital to safeguard your idea by avoiding unnecessary disclosures, as someone could file a patent while you're busy developing it.


As an affordable top ideas engineering and new product development design services firm in New York, we offer professional services to protect both your idea and investments.  Here are some key processes we undertake to bring your idea to life:

1.  Documentation:  We assist you in creating a comprehensive record that proves your ownership of the idea, complying with USPTO requirements.  A trusted witness or our reputable NPD firm in NY can sign this documentation.

2.  Patent Research:  We conduct an exhaustive patent search with the USPTO to ensure your idea's uniqueness, minimizing the risk of patent lawsuits for infringing existing patents.

3.  File a Provisional Patent Application (PPA):  To protect your invention from being copied within 12 months, we file a PPA with the USPTO.  This initial protection allows time for market research, prototype design, and development before committing to a formal patent application, which is a lengthier and costlier process.

4.  Feasibility Study or Market Research:  Before proceeding with development, we conduct a feasibility study to determine market acceptance and potential profitability.  This data guides our new product design and development team in creating a high-quality, competitively priced end product.

5.  Create a Prototype:  Using a 3D computer image, our expert product designers modify and design your idea before producing the first rapid prototype.  This iterative process enables our engineers to enhance functions and perfect the design, ensuring a cost-effective final product.

6.  Market or Sell Your Invention/New Product:  Once your invention is patented, we help you capitalize on it. Our assistance includes finding potential buyers, whether through partnerships, complete sales, or mass production for distribution to store chains.


Don't let your idea go to waste.  Let us evaluate its potential profitability and expertly guide you in turning it into a successful end product.  Contact us today to take the first step towards realizing your idea's full potential.


Affordable NY top ideas engineering new product invention NJ

Hire us for:
1. Patents and Trademarks.
2. Invention Idea Validation.
3. New Product Prototype Design & Development Engineering.
4. New Product Packaging, Labelling, Marketing and Advertising.
5. Expert New Invention Idea Advises and Consultation.
6. +++ many more. For whatever ideas into new product concerns you have,  CONTACT Us!
  Affordable NY top ideas engineering new product invention NJ