Idea for Invention & Product Development Services Company New York

new product design development engineering services company

new product design development engineering services company Do you have a great new product idea and is now looking for a partner to make it into a new product reality?  Here in Long Island-New York, we are a recognized and trusted new product development (NPD) company established by university professor, licensed engineers, product specialists, researchers, business development professionals, patent attorneys and even Intellectual Property experts who are, very experienced in all aspects of new product inventions, new product innovations, designs, manufacturing and global distribution networks.  For over thirty years, our expert teams have gained invaluable decades of experience enabling us to 100% fully satisfy our customers wherever they are in the United States. 
Many great inventions are lost daily for the simplest reason that they forgot some necessary steps or just didn't know what to do next.  Hiring our services here in NYC, we can realistically and cost effectively ensure your idea becomes a reality.  Foremost we'd be doing should you hire us us is, to immediately help in protecting your idea.  Be advised to not tell anyone your idea to avoid the mistake of many who did and got beaten into registering their idea with the USPTO.  Make sure to start documenting your idea in an inventor's journal and establish the fact on how you came about it, what it will be its functions and how it'd look like.
  affordable trusted new product design engineering development services company New York
On hiring us, we will sign a full none-disclosure agreement with you before you tell us anything about your idea, just like any reputably responsible NPD company like us will do.  We will assist you in getting your provisional patent for your intellectual property and with the use of the latest computer imaging technology, transform your thoughts into 3D computer graphics for new product designing.  Once our team of over experienced NPD designers finalize your idea's product design, we then produce your first rapid prototype using modern industrial tools.  Stop worrying on what to do next and waste no more seconds on transforming your idea into reality, Contact Us! top best new product design development engineering firm services NYC>